
Showing posts from September, 2020

Assignment 5: For the Love and Hate of Television

The Emmy Awards (aired recently) are kind of a big deal. Not a big deal in that life-altering-kind-of-way, but a big deal in the sense that a lot of celebrities dress up, that a lot of companies pay more money in advertisements, and a lot of people stop watching reruns. The Emmys are not the only award extravaganza of the season though. During the first week of October, without the advertising, paparazzi, or celebrities, the Nobel Prizes are announced. But how many people are listening? With the Emmys comes television's fall lineup, but what does the common person get after the announcement of the Nobel Prize in physics? So, what are your thoughts? Choose one or two or all of the following prompts: Why do you watch TV? Why do you not? What shows do you love or hate? Why do you love or hate them? OR Does TV provide a good form of entertainment? Is it just a convenient delivery system for advertisers to send their messages to the masses? Is it an inane use of time? Can it be all thre

Assignment 4: On Second thought. (College app)

As you enter this age of intellectual independence some of you might be dealing with thoughts that question or even contradict some deeply held beliefs that have been passed on to you via your family and extended community.  As a parent I am beginning to see this in my 14 year old and I am conflicted.  I am at once thrilled to see her think for herself and wince at some of her conclusions.  Reflect on a time when you  questioned  or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your  thinking ? What  was the outcome ? Due Sunday, September 27 at 11:59 pm. November 1st is the last day to make up Blogs 1-8

Assignment 3: Oh! The Places You’ll Go! (College app)

Travel or living experiences in other countries or other parts of this country :  Here again, is an opportunity to provide further context for your life-experience. Discuss interesting extracurricular, cultural or intellectual experiences and how they impact your perspectives about the world. What did you learn from these experiences and what do they reveal about you? Think about how you engage with new environments, cultures, and activities. How will your experiences enrich your educational environment? This may relate to topics of social responsibility. Due Sunday September 20 11:59 pm November 1st is the last day to make up Blogs 1-8

Assignment 2 : iRead (College app)

Gimme list of books you have read during the past twelve months.   As you compile your list, think about the breadth and depth of content. Please don’t fell the need to include every book you read in the last year. Select the ones that best demonstrate your interests/passions or allowed you to explore something “novel.” This list should include the books you are most excited about but also the ones that challenged your way of thinking. Each title is a means of interacting with the world of ideas and communicates something significant about you.  Also consider including the books you didn’t finish, ‘cause sometimes it’s just not worth it – and this says something about the book as well as the reader.  What does not finishing say about you the good the bad and the ugly. Due Sunday, September 13 November 1st is the last day to make up Blogs 1-8